My New Book

As the observant among my readers have already noticed, and some of you already knew, I’ve just launched my first novel. First to be published, that is; I’ve been writing a long time.

I confess I feel a bit awkward about this post because I’m someone who finds the process of self-promotion excruiatingly uncomfortable. I wasn’t brought up to “blow my own trumpet”, to sound my own praises. I’m old-fashioned British, if you like. But the world moves on, and uncomfortable as it is, the author needs to do some book promotion, even when she’d rather just shove it at you all and squeak, “There it is. Enjoy!” and run away, crimson with blushes.

I’m glad you can’t see me now, for that reason. Beetroot meets tomato, if you like.

The central premise of this book is that even strong, able people break down beyond the power of their own recuperation, due to the hand Life can deal them. I’ve been there. You probably have too. But have you ever sat at the computer, in the small hours of the morning, thinking, you really can’t go on, that “My heart is broken and I am dying inside”? Each of the six protagonists in the book come to this point, and in this space of despair, type those words into an internet search engine, and start the strangest and most powerful journey of their lives.

This is a book for a seeker, a book for those who wonder “What if?”. It’s a book that draws you into the world of each of the six characters and keeps you there. J said he wanted those six as his friends, and didn’t want the book to end because then that time with them would be over.

It’s not chicklit, it’s not murder mystery, it’s not vampires, it’s not spies or cops and robbers and it’s not romance. In fact, it’s quite hard to categorise because it doesn’t fit into any easy genre slot. It is itself and that’s probably the best way any book should be. If you’ve been through or are going through major life challenges, this is the book for you. It might be fiction, or it might not; there’s an ambiguity about the events that you need to make up your own mind about. But fiction or not, it’s also true in ways that go beyond literature.

The book is available as a paperback from Amazon, but it’s also available as a download, if you prefer that:

I’d appreciate feedback if and when people read it; and if you like it, add a review at Amazon. Every little helps!

24 thoughts on “My New Book

  1. I still miss them.
    The good news for me is that I can pick up the book whenever I want to and join them all again.
    I adore this book and how it makes me feel and I know that I will be reading it again.


  2. Congratulations…
    And, promote, promote, promote, I wish you success in this and all other books hidden within the recesses of your mind and those hidden away in the form of drafts.


    • Thank you Elizabeth. I’ve written a fair few books so have a good back catalogue now.
      Incidentally, to you and to everyone who is being so wonderful, if anyone would like to also put a link to the book, ask and we can supply the code and the process of putting it on your blog/website.


    • HI Elizabeth,
      I’ve been over to your blog and tried to comment on some of your posts but there seems to be something wrong with the comments facility. Also, the wordpress address that is coming up on my admin page is then registering as not found when I click it with your avatar. I think there may be an error where you have filled in details in your admin forms.
      I really liked the picture Wandering in the Desert.
      I hope you can find a solution to these glitches as I would really like to be able to comment over at your blog; I feel a bit embarassed I can’t!


  3. Hi Viv,

    I’ve finished reading about half the book, and if I wasn’t so torn between those innumerable urgent tasks and reading your book – I’d have completed it by now! The story is beautiful:) I think each of us can identify with one of your six characters in some measure.

    It’s an extremely readable book, and as J says, a page-turner in its true sense:)

    Warm Regards,


  4. viv: I am looking forward to purchasing this book of yours and reading; it sounds really amazing, one with lessons galore for those that read. I need to keep myself on a “book budget” but this one is surely on my list……

    Congrats on the accomplishment!!!!! Hugs!


  5. Just waking up form my state of stupour to find out the good news.

    Congratulations, Viv! I wish you a lot of readers, but more importantly, a lot of inspiration to keep up the good work.


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